Monday, March 5, 2007

Seto & Her Hate 4 Her House Mates (Males)

Currently in search of a new place to live for the fall. The guys living here are driving me nuts. At least they're not picking on me, the other girl living here is on the receiving end of ALL their hate. I have to stand up for her cause she can't stand up for herself. These guys are a bunch of lazy asses! They don't clean up after themselves and I'm the one taking out the garbage every since week! I feel too sorry for the other girl to ask her to do anything. I'm just too nice that way...hahaha.

I think I might've found a place for the fall though, it's a big townhouse shared by me and one of my other psych friends. $425 + utilities, almost sounds too good to be true don't you think? I'm going to see it tonight after class, I'll let you girls know what I think of it and whether or not it's a go or no go.

Over and out!


DAC said...

good luck with the new house!
i'm sure you'll have a better time with your psych friends than guys that you don't get along with =P


DAC said...

guys are like that. so fuckin lazy. really, can you find a guy that actually wants to clean up after himself these days? the chances of that are slim to none. They all want to be married to her mothers who cook and clean for them.

- Tee

DAC said...

congrats!! that's a good price!
yes guys can be quite messy.. which is why u need to live with females!